Sustainability Icons

Great wine is made in the vineyard. A great cliché, yes – but an irrefutable one. 

There’s no denying the upward trajectory of sustainable wines. Consumers are placing greater emphasis on the story behind their bottle, seeking wines that align with their values and potentially offer health benefits. It is clear that sustainability is a factor in consumers’ decision making when they are purchasing wine. 

Did you know that… 

  • 84% of UK wine drinkers prefer sustainable wine over non sustainable 
  • 62% of UK wine drinkers expect all wine producers to make sustainable wines 
  • 43% of UK wine drinkers are willing to pay more for sustainable wines .

Why not try...

Gerard Bertrand

A pioneer in organic and biodynamic viticulture, Gerard Bertrand has transformed his estate into a model of environmental responsibility. Bertrand's unwavering commitment to preserving biodiversity, reducing the winery's carbon footprint, and respecting the land has set a new standard for the industry. His work extends beyond his own vineyards, as he actively advocates for sustainable practices among fellow winemakers, inspiring a new generation of environmentally conscious producers. 

Domaine Lafage

Jean-Marc founded Domaine Lafage in 1996 with his wife Eliane, an oenologist, and the couple now own 138ha of vines with parcels in the Agly Valley, Aspres and Perpignan. They specialise in growing old vines that impart pronounced minerality and concentration in the wines.

The Lafages are committed to farming sustainably, experimenting with organic practices, researching disease-resistant varieties and regenerative viticulture. The domaine has a mini forest, as well as 70ha of non-planted parcels to allow nature to thrive, uninterrupted.

Morgassi Superiore

The Morgassi winery was created by Marino Piacitelli in 1993 and is today regarded as one of the top producers of the increasingly fashionable Gavi. A small estate of 50ha, it is now managed by sisters Marina and Cecilia Piacitelli, who have risen to the challenge of improving the winery using a combination of time-honoured tradition and innovative technology.

The philosophy behind their winemaking is grounded in their soil quality – and the secret to maintaining that quality is to do as little as possible. Employing organic methods and reducing interference with the soil, they can sustainably maintain excellent soil health to produce outstanding wines.

Journey’s End

Nestled right in the heart of Stellenbosch, Journey’s End has sustainability running through every inch of. The second winery in South Africa to become entirely solar powered, Journey’s End work hard to be mindful in every aspect of their business.

The family’s philosophy is one of minimal intervention, both in the vineyards and the cellar.  Around 10ha of land on the estate has been set aside for a re-wilding project and the team only use natural pesticides, where possible forgoing these in favour of cover crops to distract pests away from vines and act as a natural fertiliser.


Stellenrust is a proud Fairtrade producer in the Stellenbosch region, boasting one of the most successful Black Economic Empowerment projects in South Africa. Their farm stretches across both the Golden Triangle area, as well as the Bottelary Hills, which is renowned for its cool climate and late afternoon sea breezes swooping in from Cape Town.

The family winery is run by brothers Tertius, winemaker, and Kobus, viticulturalist, and they are committed to following their father’s dream: to give something back to the workers who have themselves given so much to the farm. Their empowerment programme has resulted in 70 employees taking ownership of the land they farm.

Battle of Bosworth

Battle of Bosworth’s wines scream ‘biodiversity’. Each label pays tribute to the vineyards with an image of the yellow soursob flower – which owner Joch Bosworth credits with sustaining his thriving vines and pristine fruit.

Joch isn’t just regarded as a brilliant organic farmer with a flair for creativity and innovation; he is also widely upheld as a top-class winemaker, producing one of the most exciting ranges in the McLaren Vale.